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Top 1000 Sex Never Have I Ever Questions

by Rosa St 14 Jul 2022 0 comments

It is great game about "Sex Never have I ever" if you want to know someone better in love. there are all kind of occassion that place game.

Rules from

The verbal game is started with the players getting into a circle. Then, the first player says a simple statement about what they have never done before starting with "Never have I ever". Anyone who at some point in their life has done the action that the first player says, must drink. Play then continues around the circle, and the next person makes a statement.

An additional rule indicates that the player is allowed to change the question after drinking all player’s cups. If there is no one taking a drink, then the one who said the particular "Never have I ever…" must take a drink. This rule often forces the players to strategize more and makes for less disposable/pointless suggestions.

A further variation holds that whenever only one person is drinking, that person must give a detailed account of why they are drinking. Another variation of this game involves putting up five or ten fingers, putting one down whenever something mentioned has been done. Those who end up putting down all of their fingers must take several successive drinks.

"Never have I ever" can be played as a card game or online using mobile devices. The only difference is if no one has done the question then the online poll for the question is checked. If the majority of online voters has done it then everyone has to drink; otherwise, the person who asked the question has to drink. Even though "Never have I ever" is primarily a drinking game, depending on the questions it can be also used as an icebreaker. Especially helpful at work get-togethers to introduce new employees to the fold. "Never have I ever" can even be played with kids and family using the appropriate cards or questions

1 Never have I ever scream while having sex.
2 Never have I ever tried Woman Astride sex position while having sex
3 Never have I ever tried Reverse Scoop sex position while having sex
4 Never have I ever been paid for sex.
5 Never have I ever had to use lubrication 
6 Never have I ever been on top while having sex
7 Never have I ever showered with someone
8 Never have I ever had sex when I am drunk
9 Never have I ever given a chance to love, so I only make love
10 Never have I ever been married
11 Never have I ever played the naughty maid while sex
12 Never have I ever mistakenly sent nudes to my boss
13 Never have I ever got horny while at work
14 Never have I ever had sex with two man
15 Never have I ever cat-called a girl.
16 Never have I ever had sex in a restaurant full of people
17 Never have I ever been in true sex.
18 Never have I ever ask sex positions on quora
19 Never have I ever done it in front of my parnter
20 Never have I ever had sex while happen an earthquake.
21 Never have I ever had sex while high
22 Never have I ever dream of anyone with sex but you 
23 Never have I ever given oral sex in a classroom
24 Never have I ever been with someone who moans loudly when turned on
25 Never have I ever fuck with two girls at same time
26 Never have I ever had a relative walk in while I was getting it on
27 Never have I ever been turned on watching sexy music videos
28 Never have I ever kissed my cousin.
29 Never have I ever been the submissive partner during sex
30 Never have I ever been with someone who loves rough sex
31 Never have I ever slept with a boss to keep my job.
32 Never have I ever tried BDSM with my parnter
33 Never have I ever answered the phone while having sex.
34 Never have I ever hit on someone else while we've been together.
35 Never have I ever miss another man while having sex with my parnter.
36 Never have I ever sucked at kissing
37 Never have I ever had sex with bodystock
38 Never have I ever had sex with the lights on
39 Never have I ever caught venereal disease
40 Never have I ever tried Upstanding Citizen sex position while having sex
41 Never have I ever got rejected by three people for sex
42 Never have I ever complained about you to my coworkers.
43 Never have I ever had sex without kissing your partner
44 Never have I ever had period sex
45 Never have I ever had sex on public street
46 Never have I ever fooled around on a ski lift.
47 Never have I ever seduced my partner by moving around nude in the house
48 Never have I ever had sex in a tent in night.
49 Never have I ever had sex on a pool table.
50 Never have I ever played music when getting touchy-feely with my lover
51 Never have I ever stalked someone I liked.
52 Never have I ever had sex with someone who didn’t even speak french
53 Never have I ever smelled my girl’s vigina
54 Never have I ever had sex on a church bench
55 Never have I ever had sex with someone who has bad breath
56 Never have I ever fantasised about my best friend’s husband
57 Never have I ever tried The Chairman sex position while having sex
58 Never have I ever given anal sex to a strange old woman
59 Never have I ever slept with someone who wait until marriage to have sex
60 Never have I ever had amazing sex that lasts 47 seconds
61 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their Wechat profile was great and impressive
62 Never have I ever been tied partner in bed
63 Never have I ever tried Wrapped Lotus sex position while having sex
64 Never Have I ever had a sex dream about a family member
65 Never have I ever been with a partner who can’t please me sexually
66 Never have I ever wished I was the opposite sex
67 Never have I ever used Tinder to meet a date
68 Never have I ever regretted marrying you
69 Never have I ever gone out of my way to win my partner’s attention
70 Never have I ever tried skinny dipping.
71 Never have I ever made a really loud noise during orgasm
72 Never have I ever read sex magazines to get my dose of sex education
73 Never have I ever fell asleep while cock inside me
74 Never have I ever tricked my cat into licking my private
75 Never have I ever mistakenly sent nudes to my mother
76 Never have I ever masturbation
77 Never have I ever have sex with pregnant women.
78 Never have I ever Lied to a friend to avoid a greater evil.
79 Never have I ever watched 50 Shades of Grey.
80 Never have I ever had sex with a funky role-play
81 Never have I ever had sex with handcuffed
82 Never have I ever worked in a brothel.
83 Never have I ever had sex with an ex’s wife
84 Never have I ever dated someone who takes five seconds to cum
85 Never have I ever used Twitter to meet a date
86 Never have I ever slept with someone within an hour of meeting them.
87 Never have I ever blamed farts on an animal.
88 Never have I ever had sex in a tub of melted chocolate or honey
89 Never have I ever masturbated amidst the public.
90 Never have I ever received a lap dance.
91 Never have I ever lied about the size of my penis.
92 Never have I ever lied about the length of my penis.
93 Never have I ever played sexy Doctor while sex
94 Never have I ever had sex with more than 5 people
95 Never have I ever paid to have sex
96 Never have I ever tried Cowgirl's Helper position while having sex
97 Never have I ever gone into the wrong restroom.
98 Never have I ever had sex with a bartender
99 Never have I ever masturbated on a bus full of people
100 Never have I ever flirted with my teacher.
101 Never have I ever sneaked out on someone after sex.
102 Never have I ever had sex with a friend’s parent, or parents.
103 Never have I ever sexually visualized about the grandfather/ grandmother.
104 Never have I ever had sex in a fashion show.
105 Never have I ever had sex with someone who never brushes their teeth
106 Never have I ever been to Mardi Gras.
107 Never have I ever performed a striptease for someone as foreplay
108 Never have I ever had foreplay without penetration
109 Never have I ever tried Missionary sex position while having sex
110 Never have I ever tasted someone else bodily fluids
111 Never have I ever cum in under two minutes
112 Never have I ever smoked while having sex.
113 Never have I ever caught the cervicitis
114 Never have I ever had a super strong orgasm every once in a while
115 Never have I ever had sex with bar uniform
116 Never have I ever had neighbours banging my door for sex noise disturbance
117 Never have I ever had meaningless one night stands
118 Never have I ever used sex toys while lonely session
119 Never have I ever been turned down
120 Never have I ever worn pink lingerie.
121 Never have I ever had sex for more than 24 hours.
122 Never have I ever kissed someone without knowing their name.
123 Never have I ever sent someone a nake picture
124 Never have I ever sunbathed partially or totally nude.
125 Never have I ever paid to sleept with a girl
126 Never have I ever caught AIDS
127 Never have I ever had sex in my life.
128 Never have I ever hired a stripper for a party.
129 Never have I ever had sex standing up
130 Never have I ever woken up while I was having sex
131 Never have I ever had French kiss with melted chocolate
132 Never have I ever tried Reverse Cowgirl position while having sex
133 Never have I ever been to strip club.
134 Never have I ever wash your partner's feet.
135 Never have I ever had sex with anyone sitting in this room
136 Never have I ever had seks in a public place
137 Never have I ever have sex with a man I don’t konw
138 Never have I ever had sex while driving on the road
139 Never have I ever sneaked out on someone before sex.
140 Never have I ever dated a sex addict
141 Never have I ever watch my husband's masturbation
142 Never have I ever asked a friend to let my crush know I liked them.
143 Never have I ever got kissed on the lips during sex
144 Never have I ever slept with twins girl
145 Never have I ever had sex on an animal.
146 Never have I ever fucked your best friend’s father
147 Never have I ever dog-called a girl.
148 Never have I ever had sex with blindfolded
149 Never have I ever had sex with pillow talk
150 Never have I ever had sex while breakfast
151 Never have I ever pretended to have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
152 Never have I ever had sex when I am hungover
153 Never have I ever masturbated more than 5 times in a day
154 Never have I ever useed a dildo in front of your partner
155 Never have I ever allowed to do foreplay with mouth
156 Never have I ever had sex with red vibrator
157 Never have I ever bing sex positions to spice things up.
158 Never have I ever slept with an ex’s friend.
159 Never have I ever never flashed my boobs for beads.
160 Never have I ever used someone else’s toothbrush to do masturbation
161 Never have I ever had sex in a public park
162 Never have I ever fingered a woman (or been fingered) during a movie, in the back of a taxi, or on an airplane
163 Never have I ever danced on a bar or table.
164 Never have I ever complained about you to my parents.
165 Never have I ever dated a guy who cums in 10 seconds
166 Never have I ever hooked up with an athlete
167 Never have I ever had sex with someone more than 10 years younger than me.
168 Never have I ever rubbed my naked ass on a wood so as to eradicate the itchiness
169 Never have I ever fuck with a girl
170 Never have I ever tried Cowboy sex position while having sex
171 Never have I ever Fall in love with anyone through the network.
172 Never have I ever kissed in an elevator.
173 Never have I ever tasted someone's cum
174 Never have I ever gone on a “bad” blind date.
175 Never have I ever been in handcuffs during sex
176 Never have I ever had sex in a public bathroom.
177 Never have I ever had sex in water (hot tub, swimming pool, natural water)
178 Never have I ever kissed a stranger
179 Never have I ever had my dog stare my down while having sex
180 Never have I ever been refused a sex call.
181 Never have I ever invited a male friend home when I am only one in the house
182 Never have I ever had sex with a purple condom
183 Never have I ever sucked at giving blowjobs
184 Never have I ever had sex while played Spin the Bottle.
185 Never have I ever had sex in hospital
186 Never have I ever been on a dating website.
187 Never have I ever kissed another guy.
188 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their Tumblr profile was great and impressive
189 Never have I ever dated more than one person at once.
190 Never have I ever been too drunk to perform/finish during sex
191 Never have I ever been unfaithful.
192 Never have I ever had my hair pulled on the butt during sex
193 Never have I ever had romantic sex
194 Never have I ever tasted myself vaginal secretions
195 Never have I ever took a body shot off of me while sex
196 Never have I ever had sex up against the wall
197 Never have I ever wanted to be with anyone else.
198 Never have I ever been loved
199 Never have I ever showered with the same sex.
200 Never have I ever had sex with an ex’s husband
201 Never have I ever spent an entire night having wild sex.
202 Never have I ever had sex in front of another people
203 Never have I ever been attracted to men/women in uniform.
204 Never have I ever hooked up with someone I met online.
205 Never have I ever tried The Seashell sex position while having sex
206 Never have I ever got cum in my hair after just finished styling it
207 Never have I ever dated someone with low sex drive
208 Never have I ever had average sex that lasts 10 minutes
209 Never have I ever used a dildo for self-pleasing
210 Never have I ever tried The Good Ex sex position while having sex
211 Never have I ever got dehydrated during sex
212 Never have I ever caught an STD
213 Never have I ever had sex with doctor when was examining/inspecting me
214 Never have I ever watched an R-rated movie.
215 Never have I ever tried Wheelbarrow position while having sex
216 Never have I ever drunkenly wet the bed
217 Never have I ever had sex in a bathroom stall
218 Never have I ever got a call from someone slept with saying she has an STD
219 Never have I ever had anal sex
220 Never have I ever dated someone who is into intense BDSM
221 Never have I ever visited a sex store and purchased sex toys
222 Never have I ever had  sex with watch iphone porn
223 Never have I ever wore a scarf when sex with boyfriends
224 Never have I ever kissed someone's breast
225 Never have I ever had sex in a public restroom/fitting room
226 Never have I ever fucked with one drunk guy
227 Never have I ever got injured using sex toys while enjoying a lonely session
228 Never have I ever watch my GF sex with other people
229 Never have I ever been playful with whipped cream while having sex
230 Never have I ever danced dirty or performed a striptease for my boyfriend
231 Never have I ever had a dirty dream about a doctor
232 Never have I ever used Instagram to meet a date
233 Never have I ever had sex in public park
234 Never have I ever walked in on my parents having Sex
235 Never have I ever gently whispered in someone's ear.
236 Never have I ever kissed my friend’s significant other.
237 Never have I ever tried Snow Angel sex position while having sex
238 Never have I ever taken a sex selfie
239 Never have I ever regretted marrying you.
240 Never have I ever shaved myself pubic hairs
241 Never have I ever looked through a roommate’s bedroom or bathroom.
242 Never have I ever bitten/ pulled the clitoris of a girl while having sex.
243 Never have I ever been orgasm
244 Never have I ever had sex only with the first person you did it
245 Never have I ever spoken to my crush.
246 Never have I ever given or received a purely sensual massage.
247 Never have I ever dreamt of anyone but you.
248 Never have I ever gone to a spa for sex
249 Never have I ever masturbated at someone else’s house
250 Never have I ever suck my girl’s vigina
251 Never have I ever had sex with doctor uniform
252 Never have I ever used ice cubes during sex
253 Never have I ever had drunken sex with my female best friend
254 Never have I ever had sex on the kitchen floor
255 Never have I ever thought a friend's mom was hot.
256 Never have I ever shaved my partner’s pubic hair.
257 Never have I ever called someone the wrong name during sex.
258 Never have I ever ate my partner’s ass 
259 Never have I ever had sex in my parents bed
260 Never have I ever known when my parents are having sex
261 Never have I ever felt embarrassed while buying my partner’s favourite vibrator
262 Never have I ever accidentally had sex with a tampon still inside me (or the girl I was with)
263 Never have I ever missed my frist make love day.
264 Never have I ever peed myself in public as an adult.
265 Never have I ever had my nipples sucked during sex
266 Never have I ever had sex with BDSM
267 Never have I ever seen porn in my office
268 Never have I ever hit on someone after spotting their wedding band.
269 Never have I ever been dated on facebook
270 Never have I ever had sex with butt toys
271 Never have I ever undergone a condom removal surgery from my vagina.
272 Never have I ever had a friends with benefits.
273 Never have I ever given or received a lap dance.
274 Never have I ever worn heels taller than 7 inches.
275 Never have I ever kissed in the rain.
276 Never have I ever seen a dirty magazine.
277 Never have I ever made love in a pool.
278 Never have I ever been on underneath while having sex
279 Never have I ever have sex before a dead body
280 Never have I ever dated someone with the perfect moves in the bedroom
281 Never have I ever done it with a family member in the same building.
282 Never have I ever slept with a girl with big titties or a nice ass
283 Never have I ever tried The Om sex position while having sex
284 Never have I ever play game while having sex.
285 Never have I ever fucked someone with a foot fetish or a diaper fetish
286 Never have I ever tried Belly Down sex position while having sex
287 Never have I ever tried The Snake sex position while having sex
288 Never have I ever had a near-death experience.
289 Never have I ever travelled to a foreign country with a packet of condoms
290 Never have I ever watch my wife sex with other people
291 Never have I ever dressed as a woman.
292 Never have I ever had sex in classroom
293 Never have I ever listened to dirty talk during sex
294 Never have I ever stocked the porn in my iphone
295 Never have I ever blown a line of cocaine off of someone’s body.
296 Never have I ever find out my partner slept with my parent in the past
297 Never have I ever wet my pants in public. 
298 Never have I ever stripped in front of anyone after losing a bet.
299 Never have I ever had a threesome after being high on hash or cocaine
300 Never have I ever had sex with my best friend
301 Never have I ever did romantic things before sex
302 Never have I ever obsessed with anal sex
303 Never have I ever had my butt spanked or my butt squeezed during sex
304 Never have I ever tried Valedictorian sex position while having sex
305 Never have I ever had a rebound.
306 Never have I ever had sex on a washing machine
307 Never have I ever kissed another girl
308 Never have I ever pretended to know a stranger.
309 Never have I ever had on a Taylor Swift concert.
310 Never have I ever anal
311 Never have I ever woken my neighbour as I was so loud during sex with boyfriend
312 Never have I ever slept with someone I thought was skinny.
313 Never have I ever had sex while rode a motorcycle.
314 Never have I ever had an STD
315 Never have I ever had sex with a teacher
316 Never have I ever had sex around in the stockroom while on the job
317 Never have I ever tried dominance and submission play during having sex
318 Never have I ever dominated him during sex
319 Never have I ever tried anilingus while having sex
320 Never have I ever watched porn or sex movie
321 Never have I ever had sex in extreme heat
322 Never have I ever had sex in moving car
323 Never have I ever tried to attract a person who is already engaged to someone.
324 Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
325 Never have I ever pretended not to know someone who you’ve totally had sex with.
326 Never have I ever slept with a prostitute to get out lonely
327 Never have I ever shaved down there
328 Never have I ever dated someone for more than a year.
329 Never have I ever caught the HSV
330 Never have I ever had sex with a girl in a lacy bustier
331 Never have I ever tasted someone else bodily fluids
332 Never have I ever had sex while in the office.
333 Never have I ever tried G-Whiz position while having sex
334 Never have I ever had a date with someone I met on an app.
335 Never have I ever broken up with my significant other
336 Never have I ever smoked a cigarette during sex
337 Never have I ever dumped someone
338 Never have I ever recorded myself and a partner making out.
339 Never have I ever tried Champagne Room sex position while having sex
340 Never have I ever wanted to bring sex toys into the bedroom.
341 Never have I ever had a crush on my boss.
342 Never have I ever required medical attention because there was a foreign object stuck inside me
343 Never have I ever had sex with someone just because my friend is his parnter
344 Never have I ever flirted with someone else while we’ve been in love.
345 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their pinterest profile was great and impressive
346 Never have I ever been pinned against the wall during sex
347 Never have I ever had sex while fed strawberries.
348 Never have I ever had a crush on someone else’s spouse.
349 Never have I ever had rough sex that always caused you injuries or boring, bland sex
350 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their twitter profile was great and impressive
351 Never have I ever had sex in bathroom
352 Never have I ever tried to pass a silent fart, but it came out loud instead.
353 Never have I ever made out in a discotheque
354 Never have I ever shared a sucker with my dog.
355 Never have I ever had sex with stewardess
356 Never have I ever flashed someone.
357 Never have I ever dated a girl with butt implants
358 Never have I ever had a crush on my boss despite him being very handsome and sexy
359 Never have I ever caught the NGU
360 Never have I ever sexted 
361 Never have I ever been slapped or slapped another person during sex
362 Never have I ever lied about being single because I wasn't insterested in the person.
363 Never have I ever tried Bubble the Fun sex position while having sex
364 Never have I ever had sex in the morning
365 Never have I ever stayed friends with an ex.
366 Never have I ever fuck with a boy
367 Never have I ever had sex while on your period or sex with someone who was on their period.
368 Never have I ever had sex around in a car and accidently honked the horn.
369 Never have I ever dated a girl with fake boobs
370 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their social media profile was great and impressive
371 Never have I ever given oral sex in a car
372 Never have I ever had sex with someone who never showers
373 Never have I ever given a lift to a stranger while driving alone on a highway
374 Never have I ever smoked a cigarette after sex
375 Never have I ever dated someone but ended up with their sibling instead.
376 Never have I ever blown a line of cocaine off of someone else’s naked body
377 Never have I ever give up masturbating for a year
378 Never have I ever accidentally sent an inappropriate text message to my mom that was intended for my girlfriend/boyfriend.
379 Never have I ever received oral sex in a public place
380 Never have I ever tasted something nasty off my partner.
381 Never have I ever watch my husband sex with other girls
382 Never have I ever  had to delete any sexy messages fearing that it will get attention of my partner
383 Never have I ever licked a foot while sex
384 Never have I ever got fucked up behind a bush.
385 Never have I ever said I love you without meaning it.
386 Never have I ever fallen asleep during sex.
387 Never have I ever broken partner’s penis
388 Never have I ever played strip poker.
389 Never have I ever had sex in the doggy-style position
390 Never have I ever slept with a virgin
391 Never have I ever took off your partner’s underwear with your teeth
392 Never have I ever flirted with a teacher
393 Never have I ever had sex with someone more than ten times
394 Never have I ever find out that the last guy my fucked was my long lost cousin
395 Never have I ever tried The Pinball Wizard sex position while having sex
396 Never have I ever shop sex magazines to get my dose of sex education
397 Never have I ever repurposed a common household item as a sex toy.
398 Never have I ever been in true love.
399 Never have I ever watch pron when do masturbation
400 Never have I ever had weak, little orgasms every time had sex
401 Never have I ever played Dirty Truth or Dare.
402 Never have I ever experimented various sex positions in solitude.
403 Never have I ever given you a sexy nickname.
404 Never have I ever hooked up with more than one person in a week
405 Never have I ever had sex with a partner who fakes their orgasm but gives perfect oral
406 Never have I ever swallowed while sex
407 Never have I ever dated someone with the perfect body
408 Never have I ever tried The Lazy Man sex position while having sex
409 Never have I ever had sex on a kitchen counter
410 Never have I ever wore dress when sex with boyfriends
411 Never have I ever played with a vibrator during sex
412 Never have I ever said "I love you" to someone.
413 Never have I ever had sex in the missionary position
414 Never have I ever had more than one orgasm in a single sex session
415 Never have I ever made an attempt of oral kissing on a random person.
416 Never have I ever had sex with stewardess uniform
417 Never have I ever had sex with an asian girl
418 Never have I ever fuck with a women
419 Never have I ever gone to Thailand to meet pretty ladies to have some good time with them
420 Never have I ever get really an orgasm
421 Never have I ever had sex on a bed filled with stains
422 Never have I ever had sex while in the shower.
423 Never have I ever had iphone sex
424 Never have I ever used Pinterest to meet a date
425 Never have I ever had more than 11 sexual partners.
426 Never have I ever received oral sex in a beach
427 Never have I ever had sex in a jacuzzi
428 Never have I ever passed second base during sex
429 Never have I ever tried Magic Mountain position while having sex
430 Never have I ever had to delete any sexy messages fearing that it will get attention of my partner
431 Never have I ever had sex in the backyard
432 Never have I ever had fingers buried in partner’s back during sex
433 Never have I ever used facebook to meet a date
434 Never have I ever fantasised about my best friend’s girlfriend
435 Never have I ever had a steamy shower together
436 Never have I ever received oral sex in a classroom
437 Never have I ever smelled my girl’s panty
438 Never have I ever woken up next to a new stranger
439 Never have I ever said "I love you" to a woman
440 Never have I ever talked dirty to some over the phone
441 Never have I ever slept with someone I wasn't attracted to.
442 Never have I ever practiced kissing on my hand.
443 Never have I ever washed your partner's feet.
444 Never have I ever hit on a married women knowing it would not last long
445 Never have I ever slept with the first person who hits on you at the bar
446 Never have I ever had my parents know when I am having sex
447 Never have I ever had sex while on a beach
448 Never have I ever given handjob to partner
449 Never have I ever had sex on the front porch
450 Never have I ever tried The Spider sex position while having sex
451 Never have I ever liked a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend
452 Never have I ever tried Butter Churner sex position while having sex
453 Never have I ever sexted at work department
454 Never have I ever been in true fuck.
455 Never have I ever watched someone have sex without their permission
456 Never have I ever be fuck while sleeping
457 Never have I ever had sex in shopping store
458 Never have I ever caught gonorrhea
459 Never have I ever played a sex game with the person of any sex.
460 Never have I ever tried Cowgirl position while having sex
461 Never have I ever seen porn during my school days
462 Never have I ever sniffed my underwear to see if it’s clean or dirty.
463 Never have I ever got suck at foreplay
464 Never have I ever had sex while camping.
465 Never have I ever paid someone for sex.
466 Never have I ever dated someone for more than one year.
467 Never have I ever grabbed a man’s penis without permission.
468 Never have I ever rolled up a skirt to make it shorter.
469 Never have I ever entered a red light area with the intention of getting paid sex.
470 Never have I ever been to a strip club.
471 Never have I ever bought lingerie for someone.
472 Never have I ever allowed to do foreplay with hands
473 Never have I ever had sex while in the bus.
474 Never have I ever had a threesome after being high on hash or cocaine.
475 Never have I ever used whipped cream during sex
476 Never have I ever made an unattractive face when my orgasm
477 Never have I ever had sex on beach
478 Never have I ever walked up and kissed a total stranger.
479 Never have I ever farted while making love or kissing a girl/boy
480 Never have I ever had same sex for now
481 Never have I ever smelled my girlfriend's panty
482 Never have I ever tried Cross-Booty sex position while having sex
483 Never have I ever ruined someone else’s vacation while sex
484 Never have I ever fooled around in the stockroom while on the job.
485 Never have I ever had my ass eaten by partner during sex
486 Never have I ever pleasured given my GF for more than half an hour.
487 Never have I ever had sex on my birthday party
488 Never have I ever done it with a family member in the same house.
489 Never have I ever had sex with somebody I was not attracted to just because I was feeling horny
490 Never have I ever taken nude pictures of a friend.
491 Never have I ever had sex with a partner who truly orgasms but is terrible at oral
492 Never have I ever had sex with celebrity crush once
493 Never have I ever peed in the shower.
494 Never have I ever accidentally broken a sex object inside the vagina of my partner.
495 Never have I ever been to a swingers party with my spouse.
496 Never have I ever slept with someone with over 50 sex partners
497 Never have I ever had sex in BZ car
498 Never have I ever kissed boyfriend's cock on the mouth
499 Never have I ever said “eh whatever” and not worn a condom during sex even though you should have
500 Never have I ever had sex with someone in this room.
501 Never have I ever thought we should have a baby (or another one).
502 Never have I ever gone in public without a bra
503 Never have I ever had sex with someone who was so loud that they woke the neighbors
504 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their facebook profile was great and impressive
505 Never have I ever dated someone who refuses to cuddle
506 Never have I ever got caught having sex
507 Never have I ever used a fake ID
508 Never have I ever shaved my head.
509 Never have I ever slept with someone I wasn’t attracted to.
510 Never have I ever had sex on the first date.
511 Never have I ever been with someone who breathes heavily when turned on
512 Never have I ever had a pesi when beer was available.
513 Never have I ever pleasured given my GF for more than 15 minutes.
514 Never have I ever called someone the right name during sex.
515 Never have I ever been the other woman
516 Never have I ever been close to throwing up on someone during sex
517 Never have I ever watched another couple sex
518 Never have I ever dressed as the opposite sex.
519 Never have I ever faked an orgasm
520 Never have I ever had sex with someone I wasn’t attracted to because I wanted to get laid that badly.
521 Never have I ever came and stopped having sex even though the other person didn’t/wouldn’t finish
522 Never have I ever been turned down.
523 Never have I ever tried corkscrew position while having sex
524 Never have I ever recorded a sex tape.
525 Never have I ever read book while having sex.
526 Never have I ever send pic to facebook while having sex.
527 Never have I ever dated someone in college.
528 Never have I ever dated muti-people at the same time
529 Never have I ever hired house help with the intention of making out with her
530 Never have I ever slept with someone who didn’t speak English.
531 Never have I ever touched you when you were sleeping.
532 Never have I ever bring another person in bed
533 Never have I ever brought someone back home to meet my parents.
534 Never have I ever tried out some new kinky ideas while sex
535 Never have I ever fuck with a man
536 Never have I ever tried Seated Wheelbarrow sex position while having sex
537 Never have I ever had sex with ice blocks
538 Never have I ever tasted myself private place hair
539 Never have I ever felt embarrassed while buying my partner’s favourite sex toys
540 Never have I ever said "I love you" to a man
541 Never have I ever had indulged in satisfying oral sex
542 Never have I ever forge my frist love.
543 Never have I ever had a fuck buddy/friends with benefits situation.
544 Never have I ever kissed in the earthquake
545 Never have I ever get in pornhub
546 Never have I ever slept with someone I thought was fat.
547 Never have I ever role played.
548 Never have I ever tried The Caboose sex position while having sex
549 Never have I ever slept with an ex after we broke up.
550 Never have I ever kissed someone's forehead
551 Never have I ever tried Face-Off position while having sex
552 Never have I ever been upset with A partner for not performing well.
553 Never have I ever tried Scoop Me Up sex position while having sex
554 Never have I ever had sex in a sleeping bag.
555 Never have I ever slept with siblings
556 Never have I ever had a dream about someone I liked.
557 Never have I ever drank a glass full of semen of different men.
558 Never have I ever dated more than one person at once.
559 Never have I ever tried to snoop into the secrets of the impotent people.
560 Never have I ever ran into someone you know at an adult store.
561 Never have I ever slept with someone on account of their impressive social media following.
562 Never have I ever had sex without using my hands at all
563 Never have I ever called someone “Daddy” in bed
564 Never have I ever Googled sex positions to spice things up.
565 Never have I ever smelled my girlfriend's underwear
566 Never have I ever made a lot of noises during sex
567 Never have I ever fucked someone with clit piercings
568 Never have I ever had oral sex with a man
569 Never have I ever be horny 24/7
570 Never have I ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend
571 Never have I ever starred at a guy's butt in jeans
572 Never have I ever pleasured given my BF for more than half an hour.
573 Never have I ever used a sock while sex
574 Never have I ever licked someone’s butt
575 Never have I ever screamed during a scary movie.
576 Never have I ever had sex beside a fireplace
577 Never have I ever want to pee during sex
578 Never have I ever totally throw up/gotten sick during sex
579 Never have I ever had sex with hot wax
580 Never have I ever had sex with whisper
581 Never have I ever had a bubble bath
582 Never have I ever sent someone a naughty pic.
583 Never have I ever had a one night stand.
584 Never have I ever had phone sex.
585 Never have I ever had sex with condom
586 Never have I ever sexted.
587 Never have I ever drunk for one hour
588 Never have I ever had sex in extreme cold
589 Never have I ever been dumped.
590 Never have I ever made out with someone in public.
591 Never have I ever had sex in the boardroom at your office
592 Never have I ever tried Leap Frog position while having sex
593 Never have I ever been pushed into a pool with my clothes on.
594 Never have I ever given oral sex in a public place.
595 Never have I ever questioned my sexuality
596 Never have I ever sexed over 2 times in one week
597 Never have I ever masturbated all day
598 Never have I ever had sex for less than 7 minutes
599 Never have I ever tasted someone's semen
600 Never have I ever sent a sex text to the hottest teachers of the university.
601 Never have I ever done it outside.
602 Never have I ever used realstic dildos while enjoying a lonely session
603 Never have I ever been to a local adult store.
604 Never have I ever sunbathed naked
605 Never have I ever given oral sex in a bed
606 Never have I ever had a quickie while sex
607 Never have I ever had sex with cosplay role
608 Never have I ever seduced my partner by touching his private parts
609 Never have I ever farted while having sex.
610 Never have I ever given him a blowjob
611 Never have I ever screamed so badly while having sex that my neighbors could hear it.
612 Never have I ever pleasured my boyfriend/girlfriend for more than half an hour
613 Never have I ever slept with my boss and get paid
614 Never have I ever had sex with red lingeres
615 Never have I ever had sex overseas/in another country
616 Never have I ever got suck at sex
617 Never have I ever kept my shirt on during public sex or my shoes
618 Never have I ever watch my wife's masturbation
619 Never have I ever bought a girl heart box of chocolates on Valentine's Day.
620 Never have I ever wiped my armpits with a towel instead of showering.
621 Never have I ever make out for six hours
622 Never have I ever had sex after taking shots or smoking weed
623 Never have I ever had a kiss that totally blew me away.
624 Never have I ever flirted with someone else from we've been together.
625 Never have I ever been addicted to illegal drugs.
626 Never have I ever played Never have I ever.
627 Never have I ever slept at a frat house
628 Never have I ever given oral sex in a hospital
629 Never have I ever got horny at midnight
630 Never have I ever been deep choked
631 Never have I ever blown up a dick by the blow job I gave.
632 Never have I ever pulled over to the side of the road to have sex
633 Never have I ever pulled the pubic hair of my partner with my mouth.
634 Never have I ever had sex in the rain
635 Never have I ever fuck with someone who didn’t make up
636 Never have I ever given Zac Efron a lap dance
637 Never have I ever seen someone else naked in person.
638 Never have I ever gone speed dating.
639 Never have I ever had sex with the lights off
640 Never have I ever had sex with my siblings or cousins
641 Never have I ever gotten poison ivy from having sex in nature.
642 Never have I ever fell asleep watching…you know what.
643 Never have I ever done it with a friend's sister.
644 Never have I ever snuck out of a guy’s house
645 Never have I ever been in an embarrassing video that was uploaded to YouTube.
646 Never have I ever had sex with someone taller than me
647 Never have I ever had nude photos posted online
648 Never have I ever fantasized about watching my partner having sex with someone else
649 Never have I ever stared at someone’s sex organs even after getting notice by the person.
650 Never have I ever received a penis while performing a lap dance.
651 Never have I ever watched Game of Thrones for the sex scenes.
652 Never have I ever  teased them with your tongue till they take off their underwear
653 Never have I ever had sex with sex toys for foreplay
654 Never have I ever find out my ex parnter sleeps with my parent
655 Never have I ever had sex with exotic dancer.
656 Never have I ever bited boyfriend on the dick during oral
657 Never have I ever got hooked up on the first date with the guy I was desperate to be with.
658 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their Google plus profile was great and impressive
659 Never have I ever removed clothing in public 
660 Never have I ever had sex with the girl next door
661 Never have I ever had sex at night
662 Never have I ever dated someone just to make someone else jealous.
663 Never have I ever had sex while someone pointed a gun at my head
664 Never have I ever slept with a team leader to keep my job.
665 Never have I ever tricked my dog into licking my private
666 Never have I ever dated someone who was underage.
667 Never have I ever regretted sleeping with someone
668 Never have I ever slept in a bed with more than three people
669 Never have I ever kissed someone's ass
670 Never have I ever used someone for sex
671 Never have I ever flirted with a boss in an attempt to get a promotion
672 Never have I ever had sex with someone who was strangely silent
673 Never have I ever heared dirty talk while having sex
674 Never have I ever farted in public, smelt it, and enjoyed it.
675 Never have I ever worn super short dress
676 Never have I ever woken up with sex bruises
677 Never have I ever filmed a sex tape of me doing it
678 Never have I ever wanted to bring sex dolls into the bedroom.
679 Never have I ever had one-night stand leaves immediately after sex
680 Never have I ever scratches on my back during sex
681 Never have I ever wished you would do something in the bedroom that you don't.
682 Never have I ever nake run in public 
683 Never have I ever played with a partner’s body more than my own.
684 Never have I ever put gum on my penis.
685 Never have I ever made out with/had sex with someone just to make someone else jealous.
686 Never have I ever been approached by a hooker.
687 Never have I ever had sex in the parking lot
688 Never have I ever lied to someone to get them into bed (name, age, fake accent, etc)
689 Never have I ever used Tumblr to meet a date
690 Never have I ever been locked outside naked.
691 Never have I ever dated somen one who takes at least five hours to cum
692 Never have I ever worn heels taller than 5 inches.
693 Never have I ever received oral sex in a office
694 Never have I ever woken my roommate as I was so loud during sex with boyfriend
695 Never have I ever had sex with twins girls
696 Never have I ever been dominated by your partner
697 Never have I ever passed out from suffocation during erotic play.
698 Never have I ever been on a dating website.
699 Never have I ever cheated on my girlfriend.
700 Never have I ever been tied up while sex
701 Never have I ever had sex in BZ car
702 Never have I ever had sex with foreplay
703 Never have I ever daydreamed about our wedding night.
704 Never have I ever had passionate intercourse with a 300-pound hairy woman who then stalks you
705 Never have I ever been drunk without you.
706 Never have I ever had sex around with someone outside on the beach.
707 Never have I ever sent the wrong person an explicit sext
708 Never have I ever had sex while on a road trip with my friends.
709 Never have I ever had sex in BMW car
710 Never have I ever had sex with someone more than 10 years older than me.
711 Never have I ever been with someone 10 inches or longer.
712 Never have I ever had sex in a sleeping bag.
713 Never have I ever got my butt licked or fingered
714 Never have I ever had sex with 2 girls
715 Never have I ever had sex in a college library
716 Never have I ever tried Spork sex position while having sex
717 Never have I ever said "I love you" without meaning it.
718 Never have I ever smoked a cigar during sex
719 Never have I ever peed in a pool.
720 Never have I ever purposely let my thong show to attract someone.
721 Never have I ever watch my GF's masturbation
722 Never have I ever tried a new style every time while having sex
723 Never have I ever had in a smelly bathroom stall
724 Never have I ever called a sex hotline
725 Never have I ever grabbed the wrong person’s breast.
726 Never have I ever lied to you about how you beauty.
727 Never have I ever spied on my neighbors for sex action
728 Never have I ever been walked in on by my parents
729 Never have I ever shaved my partner’s pubic hair
730 Never have I ever selpt with someone when I was drunk
731 Never have I ever felt like making out when working in the kitchen
732 Never have I ever made a move on my colleagues to get my office work done
733 Never have I ever taken a cumshot during sex
734 Never have I ever slept with my hot and sexy boss
735 Never have I ever tried Stand and Deliver position while having sex
736 Never have I ever done it more than 3 times in a day.
737 Never have I ever tried a flavored condom.
738 Never have I ever had sex in tree
739 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their instagram profile was great and impressive
740 Never have I ever had sex for more than 36 hours.
741 Never have I ever fuck with two man at same time
742 Never have I ever had sex in public 
743 Never have I ever done it with people more than twice my age.
744 Never have I ever put my finger in someone’s butt
745 Never have I ever put someone penis into my vigina forwardly
746 Never have I ever been French-kissed
747 Never have I ever tried Doggy Style position while having sex
748 Never have I ever tried Golden Arch sex position while having sex
749 Never have I ever called the wrong name during sex
750 Never have I ever masturbated to porn.
751 Never have I ever had sex with dildos
752 Never have I ever given oral sex in a office
753 Never have I ever had sex in complete silence
754 Never have I ever fooled around my best buddy just to experience the closeness we feel for each other
755 Never have I ever done a pole dance while being completely naked.
756 Never have I ever watch my BF's masturbation
757 Never have I ever had sex with a funky role-play
758 Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight.
759 Never have I ever regretted sleeping with someone.
760 Never have I ever peed in a bed.
761 Never have I ever been too tired to have sex.
762 Never have I ever done it more than 2 times in a day.
763 Never have I ever give up sex for a year
764 Never have I ever had sex in an abandoned building
765 Never have I ever taken nude photos of myself/someone else
766 Never have I ever slept with a prostitute to get a total freaked out sex session
767 Never have I ever had a finger in my ass
768 Never have I ever had sex with one person for your entire life
769 Never have I ever wanted you to tie me up.
770 Never have I ever tried 69 position with someone
771 Never have I ever had sex in truck
772 Never have I ever used a common household item as a sex toy and put it back where it belongs.
773 Never have I ever had sex with someone who calls you “love bunny”
774 Never have I ever had Skype sex with someone
775 Never have I ever spank or restrain my partner during sex
776 Never have I ever hooked up with someone I just met within the first 72 hours.
777 Never have I ever worn heels taller than 11 inches.
778 Never have I ever paid to get sex massage
779 Never have I ever had early morning sex or late night sex
780 Never have I ever been girl dress as a sexy librarian
781 Never have I ever been told that I should improve my sex moves
782 Never have I ever had sex with marine uniform
783 Never have I ever fantasized about my best friend’s lover.
784 Never have I ever had sex with stripper
785 Never have I ever slept with my partner’s sibling.
786 Never have I ever had sex while played strip poker
787 Never have I ever received oral sex in a bed
788 Never have I ever gotten whiskey dick
789 Never have I ever selpt with someone I just met on social media.
790 Never have I ever tried sex chair position
791 Never have I ever seen porn while I am lonely
792 Never have I ever experimented to see my sexual orientation
793 Never have I ever had sex with an illegal alien.
794 Never have I ever goofed up on names while dating multiple people at one ago
795 Never have I ever fell asleep during sex.
796 Never have I ever got fucked up just to satisfy my mood.
797 Never have I ever been on a blind date.
798 Never have I ever fucked up the parents of my friend.
799 Never have I ever attended a swingers party.
800 Never have I ever used a dating app to one night stand it
801 Never have I ever tried Flatiron position while having sex
802 Never have I ever buy a pleasuring toy
803 Never have I ever fantasised about my best friend’s wife
804 Never have I ever been choked during sex.
805 Never have I ever watched another couple get it on
806 Never have I ever seen a Playgirl.
807 Never have I ever slept with someone I thought was ugly.
808 Never have I ever tried Table Top sex position while having sex
809 Never have I ever swallow cum that tastes like piss
810 Never have I ever taken a sexy selfie.
811 Never have I ever had oral sex with a girls
812 Never have I ever wore purple lingeries when sex with boyfriends
813 Never have I ever fuck with someone who didn’t wear underwear
814 Never have I ever put my nudes on Facebook for everyone else to see
815 Never have I ever dream of anyone except you
816 Never have I ever gone down on someone who tastes bad or someone who smells bad
817 Never have I ever been caught looking at something naughty.
818 Never have I ever had a erotic dream.
819 Never have I ever been turned on by something weird
820 Never have I ever complained about you to my best friends.
821 Never have I ever had sex in a hospital.
822 Never have I ever conclude your date with giving a blow job to partner
823 Never have I ever flirted with someone when I was taken.
824 Never have I ever had sex on the toilet 
825 Never have I ever had anal sex toys
826 Never have I ever watched porn
827 Never have I ever be blindfolded and then tickled for a minute.
828 Never have I ever been the dominant partner during sex
829 Never have I ever had multiple sexual partners at the same time
830 Never have I ever had sex with police uniform
831 Never have I ever gotten really drunk on a first date.
832 Never have I ever seen porn while sex with my partner
833 Never have I ever had a dirty dream about a professor.
834 Never have I ever grabbed a random woman’s ass without permission.
835 Never have I ever tasted myself semen
836 Never have I ever been involved in an orgy.
837 Never have I ever made out with someone I found to be ugly
838 Never have I ever watched adult videos.
839 Never have I ever been to a nude beach
840 Never have I ever wanted to become a stripper or exotic dancer.
841 Never have I ever had sex with roleplay
842 Never have I ever had sex with one super hot guy
843 Never have I ever had a shotgun wedding.
844 Never have I ever discharged semen in the public.
845 Never have I ever missed my frist embrance day.
846 Never have I ever slept with the first person you see at the bar
847 Never have I ever seen porn during my work time
848 Never have I ever used sexting just to turn someone on
849 Never have I ever skinny dip with your closest family member
850 Never have I ever kissed over 100 people
851 Never have I ever wet the bed with someone else in it
852 Never have I ever had done it with more than one person within 24 hours
853 Never have I ever had sex with your childhood crush
854 Never have I ever experimented sexually with a member of the same sex.
855 Never have I ever slap someone while giving it to them
856 Never have I ever showered with the opposite gender.
857 Never have I ever gotten a tattoo in my private place
858 Never have I ever had kinky sex
859 Never have I ever smelled not good while on my dates
860 Never have I ever fucked someone with nipple piercings
861 Never have I ever daydreamed about our wedding night.
862 Never have I ever purchased a sex toy
863 Never have I ever had sex with famous man
864 Never have I ever been with more than one person in a day.
865 Never have I ever gotten a dick pic
866 Never have I ever have sex in an elevator.
867 Never have I ever slept in the buff
868 Never have I ever given a guy a fake number.
869 Never have I ever hit on a married guy knowing it would not last long
870 Never have I ever performed oral sex on someone without ever kissing them on the mouth 
871 Never have I ever received grueling head for six hours without a climax
872 Never have I ever slept with a teacher to keep my article pass.
873 Never have I ever had sex on an Eminem concert.
874 Never have I ever worn lingerie as clothing.
875 Never have I ever had sex with oragsm
876 Never have I ever caught the Syphilis
877 Never have I ever had sex with a hooker
878 Never have I ever had an HPV
879 Never have I ever been shy in the bedroom.
880 Never have I ever wanted my girl to put her hair in pigtails.
881 Never have I ever slept with someone just because their VK profile was great and impressive
882 Never have I ever had sex with a handsome person that isn’t good in bed
883 Never have I ever not wear a bra in public.
884 Never have I ever gone out without my panties on
885 Never have I ever given sexy massage to a man I first meet
886 Never have I ever received oral sex in a hospital
887 Never have I ever had sex while swimming in a pool
888 Never have I ever kissed someone under the bleachers
889 Never have I ever smelled my boy's panty
890 Never have I ever kissed girlfriend's clitoris on the mouth
891 Never have I ever refused a kiss.
892 Never have I ever had sex with an old man or a teen
893 Never have I ever dressed up as a naughty schoolgirl.
894 Never have I ever had someone accidentally bite down on dick
895 Never have I ever been upset with a partner for not hold over 5 min.
896 Never have I ever slept in the buff.
897 Never have I ever have sex in church.
898 Never have I ever had sex with someone who is married.
899 Never have I ever been a sex slave for a month
900 Never have I ever tried oral sex while driving
901 Never have I ever stuck two fingers in someone’s ass.
902 Never have I ever had sex with a virgin
903 Never have I ever had sex with a black women
904 Never have I ever got a blowjob from another guy
905 Never have I ever ask sex positions on reddit
906 Never have I ever had someone walk in on me in the bathroom.
907 Never have I ever dated someone who likes super bland, vanilla sex
908 Never have I ever drink beer while having sex.
909 Never have I ever had group sex
910 Never have I ever made weird noises when my orgasm
911 Never have I ever had sex on beach
912 Never have I ever had sex with a white women
913 Never have I ever made a sex tape for only your grandparents to see
914 Never have I ever gone speed dating
915 Never have I ever had sex on the floor
916 Never have I ever had my parents catch my having sex
917 Never have I ever peeked into the girl's locker room.
918 Never have I ever been in true kiss.
919 Never have I ever make love with someone within an hour of meeting them
920 Never have I ever given oral sex in a beach
921 Never have I ever seen an uncircumcised penis IRL
922 Never have I ever had sex with someone shorter than me
923 Never have I ever roleplayed with someone
924 Never have I ever had a crush on my best friend's guy.
925 Never have I ever had sex just to know the real fun behind it.
926 Never have I ever caught the pediculosis pubis
927 Never have I ever got oral sex from a strange old woman
928 Never have I ever nake in public 
929 Never have I ever kiss and told.
930 Never have I ever had sex in a cave
931 Never have I ever had sex while in the shower.
932 Never have I ever slept with a prostitute to get a total freaked out sex session
933 Never have I ever played with the dick of my partner.
934 Never have I ever mistaken a man for a women or vice versa.
935 Never have I ever considered becoming a hooker
936 Never have I ever worn a padded bra
937 Never have I ever sex with someone else from we've been together.
938 Never have I ever had a sex dream.
939 Never have I ever received oral sex in a car
940 Never have I ever done it in the back of a pickup truck
941 Never have I ever allowed a stranger lick down there
942 Never have I ever had a threesome.
943 Never have I ever had sex in a tent.
944 Never have I ever tried Pretzel Dip position while having sex
945 Never have I ever kissed another boy
946 Never have I ever watch my boyfriend sex with other girls
947 Never have I ever given a chance to love, so I am only lonely
948 Never have I ever worn a chastity device for a month
949 Never have I ever been under general anesthetic.
950 Never have I ever been choked while receiving pleasure
951 Never have I ever had sex with a people of the same sex
952 Never have I ever had sex before 12 age
953 Never have I ever pinched somebody’s ass
954 Never have I ever lost my erection in the middle of sex
955 Never have I ever had sex with over 3 people
956 Never have I ever had sex all day
957 Never have I ever sucked a Dildo
958 Never have I ever had sex with student uniform
959 Never have I ever hold on foreplay over 20 min
960 Never have I ever tried Ballet Dancer sex position while having sex
961 Never have I ever had sex in a hotel’s washroom
962 Never have I ever had sex with a member of the same sex.
963 Never have I ever shaved myself down there
964 Never have I ever done it while at a party
965 Never have I ever made out with someone of the same sex
966 Never have I ever been with a partner I can’t please sexually
967 Never have I ever gotten carried out of a bar.
968 Never have I ever been shy in the bedroom.
969 Never have I ever had sex outdoors.
970 Never have I ever had period sex
971 Never have I ever sticked to my signature posture for having sex
972 Never have I ever missed my frist kiss day.
973 Never have I ever had sex with one women and one man
974 Never have I ever screwed around in an elevator.
975 Never have I ever had sex in a surprise party
976 Never have I ever used vibrator while enjoying a lonely session
977 Never have I ever had sex before married
978 Never have I ever received a noise complaint immediately during sex
979 Never have I ever had a one-night stand with someone you hate
980 Never have I ever falled off the bed while having morning sex
981 Never have I ever had sex before wedding night
982 Never have I ever seen porn in long travel
983 Never have I ever been to a sex party
984 Never have I ever sexted with a colleague just for sex
985 Never have I ever catched my parents having sex
986 Never have I ever pleasured given my BF for more than 15 minutes.
987 Never have I ever had sex during a massage.
988 Never have I ever squirted
989 Never have I ever kissed on the first date.
990 Never have I ever had sex while sky diving or scuba diving.
991 Never have I ever fantasised about my best friend’s boyfriend
992 Never have I ever slept with someone twice your age or a minor
993 Never have I ever body shots
994 Never have I ever kissed somebody of the same sex.
995 Never have I ever had sex with two girls
996 Never have I ever hooked up with more than one person in a night/within 24 hours
997 Never have I ever bumped my head while having shower sex
998 Never have I ever gotten dehydrated during sex.
999 Never have I ever tried blind during sex
1000 Never have I ever concluded your date with a passionate kiss
1001 Never have I ever had a bedroom injury while sex.
1002 Never have I ever had sex with lingeres


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However, once the order has been dispatched, the order cannot be canceled, changed, or refunded. Upon receipt of the package, our Warranty and Return policy comes into effect. Shipping and Delivery Shipping times displayed on the Website refer to the estimated dispatch time of the packages. Since the actual delivery of your order can be impacted by many events beyond Gadgetlly’s control We suggest that if customers have a special occasion or event that they wish to use their item for, such as a birthday, that they order their items well in advance. Gadgetlly cannot be held liable for late deliveries. We will, however, work with you to ensure a smooth shopping experience. For a smooth delivery and peace of mind, We strongly recommend that customers purchase shipping guarantee during the checkout. In the event that your package has a shipping issue,Gadgetlly will send you a replacement package free of charge. If the item is no longer in stock, a refund option will be offered to you. Any orders that do not have shipping guarantee will not be the responsibility of Gadgetlly and the customer takes full liability for their package during the shipping process. There may be occasions when Gadgetlly confirms your order but subsequently learns that it cannot be supplied to you. In the event Gadgetlly cannot supply a product you ordered in a timely fashion, Gadgetlly will contact customers and offer to cancel the order and refund the purchase cost in full. We try to make the delivery process as simple as possible and it is able to send your order either to your home or to your work place. We can ship to PO Boxes via all shipping methods, except for expedited shipping methods, as signatures are required upon delivery. Express shipments of this type can only be delivered to physical addresses. Shipping and delivery times are calculated in working days from Monday to Friday. In the case of major holidays such as Christmas, the Chinese Lunar New Year, the Black Friday and the 11/11 event please allow extra delivery time. During those special occasions We will provide notices to reflect possible delays. Customers are responsible for providing complete and accurate shipping addresses. Gadgetlly cannot make changes to your shipping address once a package has been shipped, and Gadgetlly is not liable for packages lost due to incomplete or inaccurate addresses. Gadgetlly cannot be held responsible for any package that does not make it through the local customs and is destroyed due to the item being illegal in the destination country. Customers are solely responsible for complying with their local laws. Gadgetlly can neither be held responsible for any import tax that may occur and it is the customers sole responsibility to pay this fee, if any. Kindly note that shipping guarantee does not cover any customs issues, including but not limited to, goods being destroyed or confiscated due to their illegal status in any given destination country. Should the buyer refuse the package due to import duties or taxes, the buyer takes full liability for all the costs involved in the process. All orders reported as “delivered” by shipping companies are considered delivered. Gadgetlly cannot be made liable of non-delivery in this case. If the address to which the package is sent to and other contact information are the correct address and contact information as provided by the customer, Gadgetlly cannot be held liable if a package is returned. Whatever the customer orders is what will be shipped. We cannot be held liable for the customer receiving the wrong item if they placed the wrong order. All non-receipt of orders must be reported within 3 months from the date the item is shipped to you. This applies for flat rate shipping, priority mail and standard shipping methods. All expedited delivery issues must also be reported within 3 months from the shipment date. After this time We will no longer be able to investigate and no compensation will be offered. Please note that this policy does not apply to packages sent via expedited shipping methods that are shown as delivered on the shipping company’s tracking website. Exchange and Returns (Money Back Guarantee) If when you receive your product(s), you are not completely satisfied you may return the items to us, within 45 days for refund (“money back guarantee”). Returns will take approximately 5 working days for the process once the goods have arrived. The precise length depends on the payment provider used (e.g. PayPal, credit card company, etc). Items must be in their original packaging, all the original boxes must be intact and must include, along with all packaging materials, manuals, blank warranty cards and gifts, plus all accessories and documents provided by the manufacturer and Gadgetlly. You must first contact us and be in receipt of a return merchandise authorisation (RMA) number before sending any item back. Any product returned without an RMA number will not be refunded. The money back guarantee does not cover volume/wholesale and customized orders. Shipping back to Gadgetlly is paid for by the customer. We are in general unable to refund you postal fees. Any product returned found not to be defective can be refunded within the time stated above. Goods found to be tampered with by the customer will not be replaced but returned at the customer’s own expense. By default, the refund amount cannot exceed the original order amount paid to Gadgetlly. Gadgetlly is not responsible for and has no knowledge about any bank fees or exchange rate charges that may occur. These fees are processed by the issuing bank and will not be refunded by Gadgetlly. Non-Returnable Discounted or end of line products can only be returned for repair. No refunds or replacements will be made. Product Descriptions While we try in good faith to be as accurate as possible, we do not warrant that product descriptions or other content is accurate, complete, reliable, or error free. From time to time there may be information on the Website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may relate to product descriptions, pricing and availability. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without prior notice. If a key product specification is changed after you place an order or within seven days of delivery, you can cancel and return the order for a full refund. Storage of Contracts and Access Every contract will be stored for a period of three (3) years from the placement of the order. Customers can access their contracts, as well as the T&C in force at the time, during such term. Prices Prices and availability of items are subject to change without notice. The prices do not include V.A.T, import tax and duties, should your package become examined and deemed taxable by your local customs. Payment of these is the responsibility of the buyer. Applicable Law These conditions are governed by and construed exclusively under Spain law without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Privacy Notice Note: Newsletter subscription on the registration page checked by default.Gadgetlly respects customer privacy. Please read about our privacy policy here. Customer Conduct Although Gadgetlly will always strive to resolve issues to the satisfaction of the customer in a professional, courteous and friendly fashion, we will not tolerate any unacceptable or unreasonable behavior towards our Customer Service Team members. Unacceptable behavior directed towards Customer Service staff or Gadgetlly may, for example, include any of the following: Aggressive, abusive and threatening behavior. Examples include: any and all direct or implied threats on any communication channel; intimidating language; personal and verbal abuse; sexist, racist, homophobic, or derogatory remarks; rudeness; inflammatory statements; swearing; and unsubstantiated allegations. Persistently making habitually demanding or vexatious complaints, despite the matter having been fully addressed; similarly, repeating complaints persisting despite reasonable and fair solutions being offered in accordance with our policies. Asking, expecting or demanding staff to breach established company policy guidelines, e.g. refund amount, time lines, special compensation, etc.; similarly, seeking an unrealistic outcome beyond the scope of our own policies and procedures. Repeatedly changing the nature (or focus) of a complaint or the desired outcome, part way, after a formal response has been provided. Excessive number of complaints compared to the total purchase value history. For such behavior, complainants may be advised and formally notified of the following: Their language is considered offensive, abusive, threatening, and wholly unacceptable. They must refrain from using such language, intimidation, and threats. There will be no further exchange of correspondence on the matter if they persist with this behavior. Gadgetlly reserves the right to no longer accept orders from the customer in the future without further notice. Note: Live Chat and telephone services are exclusively presale channels. We do not resolve after sales complaints over Live Chat or via phone. For the after sales issues please contact us and submit a ticket. Conditions Of Use Copyrights All content included on the site such as text, graphics, logos, button, icons, images, audio clips, digital downloads and software are all owned by Gadgetlly and are protected by international copyright laws. Trademarks Logos, icons, graphics and Website names are trademarks registered by Gadgetlly or its affiliates. All the registered and unregistered trademarks shall not be used by you or any third party for any business purposes other than in connection with Gadgetlly. Other trademarks which are not owned by Gadgetlly are the property of the respective owners. License and Site Access Gadgetlly grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of this site. This license does not include any forms of commercial use of this site or its contents, any collection and use of any products, any collection and use of any product listings descriptions or prices, any derivative use of this site or its contents, any downloading or copying of account information for the benefit of another merchant, or any use of data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools. This site may not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, or otherwise exploited for any interest without express written consent from Gadgetlly. Gadgetlly Marketing Correspondence Following initial registration, and provided they grant their consent, customers are added to our mailing list featuring special deals, coupons and promotions. This allows our customers to take advantage of exclusive discounts. All customers can choose to unsubscribe from our marketing emails at any time by clicking on the link at the email footer.

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